Our Range Of Courses
Housing Specific Training
Anti-Social Behaviour Courses
Hot topics – New courses
The usual suspects
A range of health and safety courses
A range of safeguarding courses
Over 80 courses to choose from
Why housing organisations are leaving our competitors and coming to The National Training Academy:
We’ll replicate your organisations structure on our Learner Management System (LMS)
Enable different teams to have courses tailored to their specific needs (no blanket cover and paying for courses you don’t need)
Enable team managers to be assigned admin access to manage their own team (delegating responsibility from HR or Training manager)
Customise compliance rules on courses, to meet your own compliance requirements (Your organisation is unique, tailoring compliance allows us to meet your specific needs)
Set email reminders for learners to complete compliance courses, escalation feature available to copy managers in (all automated, saving you time)
Enable team managers to be assigned admin access to manage their own team (delegating responsibility from HR or Training manager)